Biyernes, Disyembre 2, 2016


SMILE in Philippines it is customary for Filipinos smile turning mouth in a corner is expressing happy or something especially when Filipinos meeting her friends . Filipinos is keep smiling even he/she know the person or not he/she keep smiling . through this Filipinos shows that they are friendly

PAMAMANHIKAN is one of the traditional in Philippines it is customary here called''PAMAMANHIKAN'' this is the event that man's come into the girls house with the purpose of ask a permission of girls parents or family to wed the affianced pair. It will happen before marriage and enable the couple to have a good wedding that no ones against their love This practiced showed the respect and honor of the girl she loved and also for parents.

Similar mano po is a gesture but using Po and Opo are distinctly Filipino ways of showing respect to one's elder .The po is usually affixed at the end of  sentence or phrases when is one is addressing someone older than him/her.

Tinikling is one of the most popular Filipino dance which originated during Spanish Colonial Era .The dance is involves two people beating,tapping and sliding bamboo poles on the ground and against each other in coordination in one or more dancer on the front who step over and in between the poles in a dance.